We help women prepare hospital bags for labour, and we delivery "baby showers" in a bag to celebrate our clients' newborns.
Perhaps your church or organization would like to gather baby needs but don't know where to start?
Here's a list of exactly what we need, as of May 1, 2023:
ONESIES (preemie & newborn sizes only)
SLEEPERS (preemie to 6 mo.)
OUTFITS (preemie to 6 mo.)
Travel-sized, non-perfumed items
● baby shampoo
● unscented body wash
● Vaseline and/or diaper cream (e.g., Penaten)
Regular-sized, non-perfumed items
● Vaseline and/or diaper cream (e.g., Penaten)
● newborn & preemie diapers (no other sizes needed at this time)
● receiving blankets
Bonus items
nasal aspirators
brush & comb sets
teething rings
lip balm
ladies slippers
rubber duckies!

We deeply appreciate your help!
God bless you.